Emergency Response

Wins Emergency Response System

WINS is fulfilling its responsibility as an information security company by continuously improving its information security solution by developing and building its own emergency response system 'SECS' (Security Emergency Confrontation System of WINS) and providing emergency response services for customers.

SECS Organization and Roles

The SECS is formed under the general management of the WINS security emergency confrontation center (WSEC) in any emergency response situation. Process-focused virtual Team A and Team B are organized to run.

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SECS organization and roles

SECS operation criteria

SECS operation is triggered in a phased manner based on the 5 real-time security threat levels serviced in SecureCAST.

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Risk level Response level Threat level & criteria Response scheme
Level Ⅰ Level Ⅰ(normal)
  • Normal activities in all areas
  • Low risk worm/virus occurrence
  • Low risk hacking attempt, security vulnerability announcement
Level Ⅱ Level Ⅱ(attention)
  • Increased possibility of damage by worm, virus, hacking attempt, etc.
  • Overseas cyber attack damage expansion, raising concern over domestic infiltration
  • Need for reinforced cyber threat sign detection activities
Full-time response scheme
Level Ⅲ Level Ⅲ (caution)
  • Partial network & information system failure
  • Security accident occurrence in some institutions or increased possibility of security accidents in many institutions
  • Need to reinforce security preparation in general national information system
Emergency response scheme-1
(Emergency response for main clients)
Level Ⅳ Level Ⅳ (vigilance)
  • Failed/jammed multiple information communication service providing (ISP) nets, backbone network
  • Security accident occurrence in multiple institutions or elevated possibility of large-scale damage
  • Need for joint response by multiple institutions
Emergency response scheme-2
(All staff emergency response)
Level Ⅴ Level Ⅴ (serious)
  • Impossible to use network & information system at the national level
  • Security accident occurrence nationwide or accident occurrence with large-scale damage
  • Need for a joint response scheme at the national level
Emergency response scheme-2
(All staff emergency response)

SECS process

SECS is activated according to a threat level determined based on the threat information and samples collected and analyzed by the WINS security emergency confrontation center (WSEC) in real time (within 2 hours). Each emergency response team summoned accordingly stops their previous operation and engages in emergency response.

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SECS process



※ TEL : +82-31-622-6983E-mail : jinck0130@wins21.co.kr