The multi-level security engine and context-aware engine mounted on SNIPER ONE-i detect and analyze in depth traffics flowing in real time to identify and block abnormal packets and sessions, ensuring network dimensional reliability and security.
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Product Outline / Description
SNIPER ONE-i is a new security solution to effectively respond to diversified communicating trends and new threats in the network. It implements in-depth analysis and correlation analysis techniques to examine network-based traffic threats and detects improper accesses or detects and cuts off external attacks.
SNIPER ONE-i, in order to defend users’ system and service from new threats for certain, has a dedicated module responding to more diverse attacks based on the existing SNIPER ONE-i, which can be introduced by selecting the necessary functions.
SNIPER ONE-i has the functions of Default IPS, HTTPS, RegEx, 3R(Aplication, Malware, User), and Reputation to perform intrusion response while providing other functions such as security control, user identification/authentication, audit of SNIPER ONE-i administrator’s activities, various statistical reporting, and updating.
Main Functions
- 24-hour real-time monitoring of any harmful network traffic
- IPv4 and IPv6 network traffic response (Dual Stack)
- IP Pool (Virtual IPS)-based network division and management
- Response to Zero-day attack with independent learning and customized signature writing
- Operable by executing multi independent windows for each function
- Private key registration for HTTPS session decryption
- Server-host network usage monitoring by SSL communication decryption
- Harmful traffic detection by SSL communication decryption
RegEx Response
- YARA-form signature regular expression response in addition to the Snort form
- Capable of detecting various attack patterns integratively with 1 policy using regular expression-type grammar
- Continued update of in-service applications
- Performs permission, recognition, and control for application communication
- Sets IPs excepted from the application policy
- Auto recognition of internal assets through session communication direction and port
- Identifying OS and browsers through signature and TCP structure
- Asset registration by user registration
- Detection based on the signature and hash of files transferred via network
- Distinguish normal files from malware files through YARA engine and anti-virus
- Malware analysis and log recording by MDS hash value comparison
- Understanding 1-hour file download trend through event tracing function
- Reputation policy setting by IP, state, URL through the definition of distributing agency or user
- Log recording under IP, state, URL-specific detection policy
- Time object setting to detect and block traffic inflow in a specific time period by policy
Virtual IPS
- Provides management functions for each area such as network division management by IP Pool function
- IP Pool/Segment based independent policy establishment and log/statistic management
- Monitoring and analysis are possible by dividing detection traffic/events by area
- Optimized detection for each zone by setting a selective detection license for each Virtual IPS Zone